Saturday, October 22, 2011

The real column of our society

         So I was traveling back home by the so traditional and popular transportation system of New York known as MTA subway. Until I witness the true individuals who makes life easier for us.

Cheers for the MTA employees
         As I was standing at the platform I saw these two men walking together,one on the platform and theother along the rails. When later on they moved deeper in thetunnel, using flashlights to cooperate with fellow MTA employees. I then remembered a sign of MTA propaganda in the train. It said,

            "A city is only as good as its transportation."

         Well, many people would think that the metro is not the best transportation out there, but at least we have one. A decent one and it may not seemed well maintained as water sips through the roof cracks,molds form in the platforms etc etc, but in reality it is well(not perfectly or good) maintained. And hey, at least they have the decency to work this jobs. The rails and the system is always improving, giving the New York citizen the possibility to move one place to another. And these men are the less looked at and yet are the ones who carries the most important roles in the continuous run of the city. Of course, MTA employees is one amongst many hardworking jobs nobody wants to do that keeps our country running.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Comic-Con 2011

Saturday Comic-Con was awesome! lots of free stuff and great views!

"What is a Comic-Con?" some might me wondering as others who knows what it is might have assisted the event. Let's start off with a brief history of its origin in New York.

Comic-Con actually takes place in many cities around the world. In this case, New York City, which first event took place in 2006 at the Jacobs Javits Convention Center.
Also known as Comic Convention, the Comic-Con is a for-profit event produced and managed by Reed exhibitions. Ever since, many comic fan and anime lovers has enjoyed the multiple conventions in the latest years. Recently in 2010, the Anime Festival, organized by the same authorities merged both Festivals, bringing both cultures together.

Putting the history aside, the Comic-Con is an event where many people can witness movie panels (if they manage to survive the 1231 miles line) and enjoy free items such as posters shirts and preview from video-games in development.

"that awkward moment when you think you are in the middle of the line, turn around and you're the last one."
                                                             Jed-Rene Tuliao

Those who can afford to go to this convention enjoys the privileges of previewing something prohibited for the general public. Putting all these elements aside, the experience is one good stuff, and no, not THAT good stuff. Anyways, good view everywhere. ;)


Monday, October 10, 2011


I have just found out I am allergic to the booze... BUUU!!! D:>
*gulp* LOL

My First Blog

Finally made my first blog site and thanks to "" it wasn't a pain in the ARSE! YEAH!
I have also created a website couple days ago! Come check it and leave me a Nut-cracking comment! (good or bad)
Picture Courtesy of Mafer! :D