Hello everyone who is taking their time to read this senseless post. I appreciate your time and your patients so im going to cut it straight to the point!
What do friends do when they chill with a guitar on their friend's dorm? No, not smash it and crash it, in case of these two lovely ladies, they JAM!
Yup, this is the tip of the iceberg of upcoming Lene & Cami videos. I hope you enjoy and please, if you have time, comment it as constructive critics helps to build the artists ;)
Anyways, as a college student, I know how stressful the world can be. Fortunately, I found Sparring and Grappling as a source to relief stress, but I also found that filming and editing videos relieved my college stress.
I soon found out that two of my friends where playing song at each others dorms and decided to gather together to jam together. I thought, "why not make a video? This might be fun." and there you go buddies.Check out my website for more random videos! :)