Last Saturday on May 25, millions of protester marched peacefully against the genetically modified organisms (GMO), mostly controlled by the so called Monsanto, the worlds largest pesticide manufacturer. But before we go in further, lets get to know Monsanto first. Founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny, Monsanto was a major producer of plastic and one of the first to mass-produce LEDs. Years later in 1983, Monsanto became the first corporation to succesfully genetically modify a plant and soon later Monsanto became a pioneer in applying biotechnology industry business model to agriculture.
Monsanto also tried seed petenting model which has also been critizied as biopiracy. Its lobbying to government from its chemical industry history have made the corporation controversial.Many activists have claimed Monsanto to be a corporate evil giant that owns over 50 big companies. While this assumption have not been verified, Monsanto claims
to own 90 percent of all seeds, which turns into food and winds up in
your grocery store.
Moreover, on the March against Monsanto last Saturday, over two million protesters marched over fifty five countries through over four hundred fifty five different places. And yet the news media never made note of it. Think...