Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Soccer past time

Last week two acquaintances from my native country, Costa Rica, came to visit and enjoy New York for their summer vacations. Long story short, on their last day here we went to Woodbury Premium Outlet with more than 200 stores located at upper state New York. It took us hour and half to get there from brooklyn. Everyone shopped except me. I was looking, drooling for clothes, but lvied under a tight budget.
           I began thinking I was not going to buy anything until we went to Nike factory store... I saw many accessories I wanted to use on the days I went to the gym, but still I wouldnt buy them. Nonetheless there was this soccer ball...precious soccer ball sitting on a shelve amongst his half a dozen brothers and sisters. He wasnt premium but he was of legue. Needless to say I bought that ball. I was joyfull and satisfied that I found this ball since I couldnt find any of my liking in Manhattan.

Soccer (also known as football in Latin America) is the official sport in Costa Rica. I used to play it when I was in Elementary school throughout High School until I had knee problems in 9th grade.
          I was frustrated I couldnt play anymore and I knew I couldnt do nothing about it. My frustration grew bigger at first, but as time passed, my anger slowly dissipated. Yeats later I dropped all kind of sports, only to long about a sport I never practiced, snowboarding.

It happened couple weeks ago when I was at the beach with my friends and girlfriend when I saw some guys playing soccer on the sand. "That looks fun." I thought and suddenly I wanted to get myself a soccer ball and return to my hobby.

It wasn't until last Sunday when I saw this awesome round object sitting on a dirty, old shelf, sad and depressing, waiting for the rightful owner to buy him... A day later (yesterday) I walked to Bryant Park to meet my girlfriend. There, I saw the coolest "Fuzz Ball" (she calls) or "Futbolin" (as I say) and made me glad to have bought my soccer ball. I'm happy.

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